Annual picnic is Sept. 10, with a change


The annual Mentelle neighborhood picnic will be 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. Sunday, September 10 in the north median of Mentelle Park (nearest to Cramer Ave.) Some people wanted a change from burgers and brats, so this year the event will be a full potluck dinner.

The association will provide plates and utensils, as well as ice water, iced tea and lemonade. But we’re asking each person / family to bring a dish or two to share — meats, vegetables, salads, fruits and desserts. This is a great time to impress your neighborhood with your specialty dish.  If you’re not a great cook, a bucket of fried chicken would be just fine! Also bring any additional beverages you desire.

We will have a limited number of tables, so you might want to bring a lawn chair, too. There will be some toys and games for kids of all ages. We had a great turnout last year, and we hope to see everyone there again this year.