Help protect the Mentelle Park median

The Mentelle Park median, believe it or not, is an official city park. That’s why the city does such a good job of mowing it and taking care of the trees. The median is also where we host many neighborhood events, such as last weekend’s Easter egg hunt and the fall picnic. That’s why neighbors spend a lot of time and effort keeping the flower beds weeded and the median in good shape. (Speaking of that: There’s a median cleanup session scheduled for Saturday at 9 a.m.  Please come out and help if you can.)

The city has posted signs like the one above around the median. The main reason for this is that heavy vehicles compress soil, which damages tree roots. In wet weather, vehicles also can cause ruts. The no-parking rule especially applies to trucks and construction equipment. This includes contractors and public utilities.

If you see a vehicle parked on the median, please ask its driver to move it. If you don’t feel comfortable doing that, you may contact me and I will do it if I’m home. I have done this many times, and only once has a truck driver been anything but nice about moving. (And that guy moved when I told him I was walking home to call the police.)

Please do your part to keep our neighborhood park beautiful and healthy.