Want to join the MNA board?

Mentelle Neighborhood Association members elect officers and directors for one-year terms each fall, with terms beginning Jan. 1.  Several vacancies are coming up next year, and the board’s nominating committee would like to hear from you if you have an interest in being added to the election slate for the annual membership meeting, Oct. 26  at 6:30 p.m.  (place still to be determined.)

Typically, new board members serve as at-large directors for at least a year before taking an officer’s position so they can get to know the organization, but that is not a requirement. Any MNA member can run for any office. The board meets monthly, except in December, on the third Wednesday evening of the month.

If you are interested in standing for election to the board, or have questions about whether board service might be right for you,  please email MNA Secretary Tom Eblen.