Easter Egg Hunt Saturday at 10 a.m. — Kids Will Need Big Baskets!

We look forward to seeing all Mentelle Neighborhood residents and their families Saturday at 10 a.m. for the annual Easter Egg Hunt. Thanks to the generosity of our neighbors, we have more than 800 eggs this year!

We will first gather in between the two medians closest to Cramer Avenue. Then, kids aged 5-10 will hunt on the first median (closest to Cramer) and those younger than 5 will hunt on the second median. Please remember that masks are required for everyone older than 2 and physical distancing from those not in your household is recommended to keep everyone safe.

If you live on Mentelle Park, please take a few minutes today to pick up sticks and other debris from the median in front of your home so no little ones get hurt.

See you at the hunt!