See the ‘Celebrate Winter’ winners

Thanks to everyone who entered the first Celebrate Winter contest for Mentelle Neighborhood Association members to decorate and light your home. Here are the winners, who receive a gift certificate to a nearby locally owned business.

1 Mentelle Park  Unit F  — Barbara Wagner   Shiny ornaments on bare branches cut through the gloom of a winter’s day.

24 Mentelle Park — Clark Lester and Logan Wilson   An angelic trio looks down on a wonderland of color and light.

25 Mentelle Park — Selma and Eddie Owens   Classic and Classy.

41 Mentelle Park — Kate Smith   Jupiter and Saturn have nothing on these shining heavenly bodies. Or the brilliant reindeer (Florence Lightengale) ready to spring into flight.

42 Mentelle Park — Jill and Ray DeBolt    If we had a pretty arched attic window, we’d decorate it too.

709 Aurora Ave. — Jeremy and Melissa Miller   Wow! Just wow!  

718 Aurora Ave. — Bethany Baxter and Willie Davis   Evergreens and white lights on a cozy cottage brighten the night.

808 Aurora Ave. — Helen Martin    Gotta love a holiday parrot in winter. Or is it a toucan? 

809 Aurora Ave. — Erin (Crum) Johnson    Keep your mitts off the boxes and bows. That nutcracker soldier could land some hard blows.

728 Bullock Place — Tracy and Pat Davis   Lush evergreens and a candle’s gleam in every window make this a home for the holidays.

145 N. Hanover Ave. — Steven and Justine Pickarski   Deck the porch, door, windows, shrubs and tree, ’tis the season to be jolly. 

312 Hanover Court — Chris and Mercedes Harn   Red-bowed wreaths and icicle lights, these are a few of our favorite sights.

811 East Main St. — Kendall Peaks  Wherefore art thou, Santa Claus? The balcony is decorated and awaits your reindeer paws.