Marker, signs showcase neighborhood identity

Over the years, our neighborhood has been identified by many names. On the deeds to our homes are such designations as Morningside, Morningside Addition, Eastside, Bullock Addition, McGarvey Addition and Mentelle Park, which represent some of the neighborhood’s many subdivisions and developments over the past 129 years.

160822Mentelle Sign007In an effort to clarify why we are called the Mentelle Neighborhood and what our boundaries are, the Mentelle Neighborhood Association embarked on a landmark sign project.

A Kentucky Historical Society marker was installed on Mentelle Park to explain some of the neighborhood’s history, including the famous Mentelle School where Mary Todd Lincoln was a student. (For a more detailed account of that history, see this website’s history page.)

Secondly, several smaller signs welcoming people to the neighborhood have been installed in the right-of-way of streets along our boundaries, which reach from Richmond Road to National Avenue and from Walton Avenue to Mentelle Park and Memory Lane.

Our neighborhood is fortunate to have a diverse population of talented people. We hope that by increasing the neighborhood’s sense of identity, more residents will want to participate in neighborhood projects and activities.

All the best,

Ann Olliges, Marker/sign project leader